He knew the dashcam was on. you really think he would have just blown the dude away for sitting in his car? He got caught up in the heat of the...
I don't think he was blaming the victim but, even though you don't agree with it, you do know my bull and horn theory with respect to cops. The...
I believe it. Happened to me once in Baytown, TX. I got pulled over for not signaling during a lane change and the guy quickly let me go with no...
yeah, I was definitely riding in the front seat using a seat belt at 6 years old. Maybe younger. Times sure have changed.
No doubt he was lying and covering up. I'm just trying to think about whether or not it would have been found out through forensic evidence or if...
But wouldn't the autopsy show there was no wound to the chest? Or was there? I thought that was an exit wound.
http://www.cdc.gov/motorvehiclesafety/child_passenger_safety/cps-factsheet.html CDC recommends 8 years old in booster seats or even older if they...
Who knows. I wonder how this cop would explain that every shot was into this guys back.
I've managed to hold on to my passat through my third child. I can put the oldest (7) in the middle, the five year old in a booster, and the 1.5...
I assume you're talking about north charleston. That video is an eye opener. I surprised the cop didn't sprinkle some crack on the guy after...
I don't know. I'm getting the feeling that the most likely scenario is that neither guy has really improved.
Damn, having an ounce is in the same class as having 59 lbs.
Can Blakeny play the point?
Gotcha, I thought you were implying something more nefarious.
What does this mean?
I didn't know that was the policy but it sounds like a good one. Not that it's fail proof though. what's a 110 lb female flight attendant going...
What realistic changes can be made to ensure something like this doesn't happen. I mean, you don't want anyone to be able to break into the...
That's pretty funny. Tough to pass up popeyes for a salad or sandwich.
We would have lost by 1
I'm honestly glad this season is over. Absolutely fucking maddening.