I think he is and that was why i was rooting for the Dolphins. From some of the shots at the end of the game I think the players would like him to...
Yeah I thought they were talking about recruiting players as well. I agree that the coaches at Oklahoma, USC and Florida State are unatainable...
If he was staying I think we'd know by now. He's gone.:cry:
I think everyone is just getting tired of this and just want some resolution to the situation. Most people here are hardcore fans and it seems...
Sorry FightinTiger I see that you already got this posted...opps:grin:
http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/story?columnist=pasquarelli_len&id=1948355 Sorry couldn't paste the entire article. Since so many people...
It seems that everyone around here has a source that says they know something about what is going on. His source may be right but Ms. Cleo told me...
Not a smart move by the Rebs. Probably thought they could land someone better but just had to settle with what the program is worth.:lol:
I've learned a lot about nothing with a lot of those pointless threads. I know this is serious issue but do we need so many threads on the same...
And I was almost successful blocking the Saints out of my memory. That would just be horrible...it might even make me transfer...it's that bad....
I don't thin it's some evil scheme to mislead us and play with our emotions. People change their minds about things all the time...it happens. I'm...
I've deliverd pizza to his house before..so maybe I should go to his door with a fresh hot pizza every hour. How can you turn down pizza?
^ not to get off the subject but ummm WOW:thumb:
still tied at 29%...see my vote didn't count, that's why i hate voting
Can't vote on the poll but driving
Well can anyone suggest a place that is in range of $59.99 a nite that I don't have to worry about getting a kap bust in my A$$.
Thanks much appreciated.
That's the address my gf gave me when she gets off of work I'll have her check it out again to make sure it's correct. I'm interested to see some...
Ha that really sux. We don't plan on staying at the hotel much at all. We'll either be at the game or at Disneyworld. Just going there to...
In as well. Geaux Me:thumb: