Middle Tennessee @ Alabama Missouri State @ Arkansas Georgia Tech @ Auburn Wyoming @ Florida Boise State @ Georgia Louisville @ Kentucky North...
Thanks for the link. Needed an LSU fix.
I purchased student tickets but need to defer my tuition payments. Would I still be eligible to recieve my student tickets even though my fees...
ha great stuff :lol:
That was a pretty close game. Aslong as we never come that close to losing to them in football i'll be happy.:D
1. App. St. 2. Vandy 3. N. Texas 4. Miss St. 5. Arkansas 6. Ole Piss 7. Arizona State 8. Alabama 9. Auburn 10. Florida 11. Tennessee
In theory the attending other sporting events options sounds good but what if you only really like football. I've just started following baseball...
Thank you for that link I was having a bad day and that sure did the trick.:geauxtige
Thanks for the info. he was a really nice guy, he was in one of my gym classes. I played him in a game of 21 once, i think I may have scored a...
Thanks for the link that was awesome. Just glad to wake up to this, def. the start of a good day.:geauxtige
Watching this game is frustrating me so much I think I'm going to go work out, I should have no problems moving the weights the way i'm feeling...
Sorry just wanted to stop and check my balls
She sure did look like she was in a lot of pain. I hope it is nothing serious as well, she means a lot to this women's team.
Learning thre rules of the game is a good start too. After two years of football my gf has just learned the difference between offsides and false...
Never stay in the Days Inn on Blossom Trail either....REAL BAD!!
Ha ha some of those were pretty good, especially the Kramer one.
GREAT news, thanks!:geaux:
Ha how true. But just like Saban leaving LSU..if he does leave at least he left the team better than he found it.
Good read. What a classy guy...only if there were more people like him in the NFL. (I'd probably pay attention to it more.)
Personally I don't care how it ends up for them; as long as it ends up in our favor.:thumb: