Jim Kleinpeter said Ron Zook was in the race for DC. That's not a name that makes me warm and fuzzy.
Why do you hate long snappers?
Its gonna be Haley and orgeron. Not bad really although I liked pendrrgast and shoop.
Amazing how our recruiting class is shaping up. Especially in basketball where a highly ranked recruiting class means you have a real shot at the...
Long shot.
What I meant was that to cut the cord, I want to be in the $40-$50 range. If I'm only saving $25 or $30 a month, it's not worth the hassle to me.
Not to mention the pain in the ass fee for having to listen to my old lady bitch about not having HGTV.
Yeah, this is an issue. I mean, think about it. I want HBO, ESPN and the local channels and Netflix. That's $30 for basic cable which gets me...
Oh, yeah. That language should definitely kill it.
I don't hate Haley at DC if we get Orgeron at DL. And who the hell is BBI?
Do you have info, or just speculating?
Rex Ryan?
I'm gonna cry if its stoops.
That's pretty funny.
Tyron Johnson just committed to us. I wonder what that means for Charlot.
I think he'd take it in a heartbeat.
But we have one too many coaches right?
I don't see it. Looks like Brick is staying. O won't be DC thankfully. No room at the inn.
I have no idea what this is all about but did you say the DC's name and won't say the source or did you not give any info? It doesn't matter to...
This really can't be said enough. He got a 350k-400k per year raise. Everyone of us would have taken that. Give me a break with all this...