That is kinda a big IF there. I find it hard to believe that all three will go undefeated, as good as I feel about our team I think it will be...
If we are good enough to be number one then we will be so by seasons end. Yeah the whole respect thing sucks but at least we are ranked higher...
I gotta fix the sleeves on my wizard costume. I probably won't break it out until midway through the season becasie it gets hot in there with the...
The Beavers better watch out LSD will F*ck them up if they aren't careful. Man U is awfully far from D on the keyboard, next time don't make...
Graduating in 2006...Transfered from UNO (University of no oppurtunity) in 2002. Had no football there and the people sucked. I was in the pepe...
Hey does anyone know when we pick up our student season tickets? I always remember picking them up before the start of school. I know we should be...
Ha I think thats pretty funny. Depends on how much it was?
On regular days it's tiger stadium on game days it's Death Valley.
Is there a limit to how many you can get for a game? I'm going to need like 5 for the vanderbilt game, got family coming in.
I think the commercials in buddy's show are the best part of it. At least you can understand what they are saying.
Is Ebay the way to go to buy away tickets? This looks to be my last year as a student and I'm trying to get tickets to the auburn or Florida...
And probably eats it as well. I just don't see us losing two games while georgia wins all of theirs. I guess the only thing we can do is wait and...
That was a pretty good article...very creative. I was hoping that the 8-ball would have had some better answers on the qb situation. Oh well....
It was beautiful.....:bncry:
The reputation pointsare supposed to be there for people to vote on whether they agree that you had a good post or not. The more good rep points...
I have never had any problems getting in the gate at games. Out of the eight games last year i was only seriously checked twice. The other six...
Last year for every home game I was dressed as a purple wizard. Man that robe gets hot during day games. If I can get my sleeves fixed I'll be...