I lived in Southern Cal for 4 years. I got out. It is a great place to live but way to much $$$. It is crazy. I am a little closer but my wife...
go to all. I wish I was that close
they can put 8 in the box I dont know if that will stop LSU run or not. Speed kills and fresh qb or not LSU will be able to move the ball. Slow...
i love pete!!!!!!!!
bang the beavers...... Mike gets lucky beaver coming to town....... our defense will eat the beavers......... JV penetrates the beaver defense...
they think it is fun to poke fun at the south, just wait till they come down. They will have no idea what they are getting in to. OSU will love...
did he just wake up.. have some pride
JV is still fast with the still photos. many defenses will be chasing him next year. This guy is going to go off
the usc fans are bad. I was at a the Parada del Sol in Scottsdale with my family today wearing a LSU shirt , some jackass lady in the parade...
no way they bring that many fans..I hope they do so they can go back to the west coast and explain what real southern football and cooking is...
OSU I think had many seniors. It will be a young team at best. They are not as bad as some think. LSU should win anyway. The talent and...
I think Nick will work many of the new guys in and see what happens. It worked this year.
If Nick can continue to bring in the players he has. This could be a very good run I hope for 10 plus years
remember it is the pac 10 they are worthless
who ever the QB is will step up and make plays.
he will be missed he made many plays on both sides of the ball. Kickoff coverage etc. I hope he stays..still a rumor
bunch of happy guys??????
thanks for the info. I have always wanted to go to the bash. Is it a ticketed event or is it free? And if so how would I get tickets......
last night on the local AZ sports they did an interveiw with Saban he said he was building something at LSU. I dont think he is leaving.
when is the Bayou bash? and how much fun is it? I have never been but would like to go. If you had a choice of Bayou Bash or Spring game which...