The point I'm trying to make is that these sports "journalists" are supposed to be objective, rather than just big homers with a pen. The idiot...
UGA wins the Adam Van Brimmer National Football Championship Award !! Congrats to the UGA Nation ! Adam Van Brimmer is a sportswriter in GA...
Sheezum. UGA scores two TDs and the First Quarter is not yet over. Does ANYBODY have ANY idea how Hawaii has ANY chance of winning this game....
Way to go bowl selection committees. Rose was a boring blowout. Sugar looks to be the same. Keep this up and we'll have playoffs very soon.
Indeed it's obvious now that Ball-Barn's dirty, intentional, cheating chop-block play is a PATTERN, and is something that is part of the Boo-Boo...
Tubby can lie all he wants. The chop block play that was pulled on Dorsey and again tonight is Baubarn's signature technique. Since the LSU...
I did not believe that the Saints could beat the Bears at Soldier Field. I do believe that the New Orleans Saints are years away from being a...
If the Pats win out, then, of course . . . they are the best team ever.
I like the I-Bowl. The 2000 snow game between TAMU and Miss St. made me a fan forever.
Auburn has a new OC, and they will run the spread from here on out. Thoughts?
I admit that I got carried away with that. I must have been thinking of Tommy Myers and Dave Whitsell when I wrote that. But, forget about...
Every parent's nightmare became reality for this young man's parents. May God Bless and Comfort them.
Watch the Saints offense pass up and down the field with touchdown passes coming down like snowflakes in a blizzard! Watch the Saints defense...
"finest" is probably not the best word to describe it :lol:
I expect a DAMN STRONG showing by the Bama faithful! It's important for ANY SEC team to beat Colorado in ANY bowl game. I expect every...
Something tells me that it just isn't going to work out for the New Orleans Saints this season. December football is not historically kind to...
I agree with you about the Indy Bowl. I know that SEC teams don't want to be there, but, it always seems to be a great game, AND, it is a great...
Thanks for the kind words. I'm very pleased to know that Omaha still loves LSU, because LSU will always love Omaha, Nebraska.
Suppose Michigan wants to hire Miles as Coach Rod's Offensive Coordinator? Would Miles bolt for Michigan? What if they put it in Miles's...
I'm having a tough time deciding which coach is a better football coach: Saban or Miles. I think that we should start a thread on this and talk...