We spend too much time discussing Bama on this board. I accept this as the "Will of the Group", and, I will not complain. However, I would...
But, aren't you the same Terry associated with Bama on Rivals?
You know, Terry, you are absolutely right. Bama WILL win the SEC Championship in 2008 AND win IT ALL in 2009. There's no doubt about this....
Re: Update on Jay-B That's exactly what I say!! :thumb::thumb:
I guess that LSU-bashing is allowed, but LSU props are prohibited over there?
We luvs us some Saban and Bama talk here on TigerForums. You might say we is : "SabanObsessed" We should really have a special forum called...
DON'T LISTEN TO THE HATERS, MAN! SABAN and BAMA are BACK! Think of the final scene in the James Cagney movie, "White Heat", when he's...
What? What do you mean? Nick Saban is the greatest college football coach in the world right now. Skip himself said that. Just admit it . ....
Hey, come on. You know that I always do this . . . you know . . . predict that Bama will be crazy good next year and for years to come. It's my...
Georgia wins it all next year and then Saban wins it all for the next two years after that.
Are you kidding? Saban is going to rule College Football soon. He's unstoppable. He's a force of Nature. Bama will probably win two...
I know, man. Can you believe that people would doubt Saban? I say Bama wins it all next year. This recruiting class will contribute right away.
Bama National Championship next year or in 2010. No doubt! Don't be surprised if Bama wins the SEC in 2008. Nobody develops players like...
You are exactly correct. :geaux:
Who died and made YOU boss?
Terrence and Marion have been men's names for centuries. Both are great names. John Wayne's real first name was Marion. Anyway, that's all...
You got that right, buddy!! Next year . . . SUPERBOWL SAINTS !! just kidding
Nope. Not even the best team of the 2007 NFL season. That would be the New York Giants.
That play will be seen on TV for as long as there is a National Football League and Superbowls. PATRIOTS ARE SUPER-FLOPS !! LSU!:LSU231:
Total Defensive breakdown. Beaten by a better team. I don't want to hear anymore about: Tom Brady, Randy Moss, Bill Belicheck, Teddy Bruschi...