TIA were I work means Transient Ischemic Attack which would fit for many posts. :)
Yes. Corner. Sorry.
Signed Fabian Washington, free agent safety from the Ravens. He sounds excited to be coming here. Sounds good.
Glad he's ok. There should be a rule that draft choices not be allowed to drive.
Vacating wins is a lame way of punishment. The games were played and the results occurred. Going back later and saying nevermind just isn't much...
He had a compound fracture of his tib/fib and lost 2 of his 3 arterial supplies to his foot. The one he has left is not in great shape. This is...
And there was no one yelling bush league here. Miami ate sour grapes. Their moaning is what is so silly including that sportscaster.
Miami seem to take that way too personal. If they wanted to prevent the passing record then guard the receivers.
He is wearing purple. Must be Tiger envy.
SEC is a tough league. Any team can have a good weekend. Not sure some of those are upsets.
I do the lunch trivia. Not a big fan of Wild Wings so I usually go to Mugshots here in Baton Rouge.
Meanwhile, inshore: [IMG] [IMG]
[IMG] Water was smooth as silk and the big reds were fighting each other for the plastic cocoho.
My wife is one of 8 and all her siblings smoke. She lost a sister at age 37 from lung cancer, her husband is still kicking at age 50 but has had...
Cool stuff. Nice hobby (or career :))
Manieri now has a long time to think about next season.
You could of gotten one of the other moms to take it.
If they can overcome the gris gris like the Saint's had to do.
Well, the way LSU's baseball season is going I think he made the right decision for this season. One more arm might have helped but it wouldn't...