Oh yeah. Facepalm. Those were good trivia questions.
I was in the stands for the first game in 67 against the Rams. I used to say that we ran the opening kickoff back for a TD and it was downhill...
2. Green Bay was already given. Kilmer in his 6 TD passes (question 9) led the Saints to 51 points over the St. Louis Cardinals. I think we...
I think the D missed the bus to Houston.
Well, Miles gave Perilloux several strikes before he realized he could be changed while he was here. Assuming JJ is in the wrong, I presume he...
Bet he had a real good snooze. Probably ate a lot before he dozed off too.
Not sure they'll me in with my shotgun. Hate to have to check it at the door.
Perhaps I'll give it another shot. I do remember trying the place for the first time 15 years ago or so and not ever tasting a filet like that one.
This along with the Miami fiasco will probably take a good long time to investigate before any sanctions are handed down. They'll likely want to...
Last couple of times I've been to our local Ruth's Chris here in BR, the quality was not there. Haven't been back (for a couple of years now)....
He is now eligible for the NFL draft but must sit the first 5 games. Other NFL players question the strategy. Excite - Sports News
Sure was. When Bradley triple bogied on 15 I thought it was all over. Then Dufner bogied on out and Bradley birdied. Once they ended tied,...
Anyone here play? I used to frequent Damon's all the time to play until it went under years ago (Koto's is there now). I've never been a Buffalo...
That's what my wife and I say all of the time. When we travel, we typically do not do it for the cuisine.
The Duck fans have been hospitible and intellegent in their discussions. Since this is the first game of the year, the discussions began early....
Their HD is good. I've had an occasional streaming problem but just waiting a minute or so and it resolves. They have a fair collection of 3D...
Yep. I need to retire so I can use all this. But then I couldn't afford it. Vicious cycle.
<--- Is an A/V enthusiast <--- Has DirecTv with 5 receivers and a dvr <--- Suscribes to all DirecTv high def channels, NFL Sunday ticket, and 3D...
Surprised no one has opened a thread yet. Defense looks sick. Roster seems deep. Line and blitz looking great. Hope Patrick is alright....
I've been a fan of the Manning clan ever since the Saints drafted Archie. He was a class act and now his kids are. It all trickled down.