+ 10
Congrats to Bama ...you earned it, my only wish is that LSU would have showed up and played a DECENT game.....we get beat, we get beat.
AND????? He could not have possibly done any worst than Jefferson......physically not possible.
And I would take him every year!! LOL...that coming from a gator fan.
Can't blame this one on the "D". Defense can't stay on the field the entire game and expect to hold up. Coaches and offense have to take the blame...
If you really think LSU didn't belong to be in this game your ridiculous!! Now if you had said they played like they did not want to be there then...
Wow.......that's some brass ones to come after Chavis after the way they treated him in the end. If I were LSU i would make sure chief would never...
LOL.....maybe we should set up a spelling class! Fingers run wild sometimes.
Do you know where he is leaning to? I was just wondering if ULL offered him a spot at running back?
I appreciate the exception.
bhelm......what's the latest rumblings you have heard? You are usually spot on so I put alot of stock in you.
How I would LOVE that......I would mortgage everything I have to be at that one!!
Really? Where going to Spelling class now?
LOL....living in Alabama witrh an unbiased opinion.....lol that's funny, that's almost like putting good character and nick saban in the same...
First of all I'm not sure they will beat these in their own weak division: 1. Mich State 2. Wisconsin 3. Ohio State Second of all IF they do...
That's a little surprising to me, not really sweating it though. Good luck to you Devonte'. Will be interesting to see where he goes.
Michigan??? really....Michigan....thats a joke. Made me laugh for several minutes.....I just cannot see Michigan contending for a bcs championship...
Says the bama fan.
Seen the kid play a few games personally...ton of talent there to work with, I really think the kid will become something special with this...