Is Williams the kid that went to east st John? or James? played for larry Deautrieve?
Absaloutley right......which is why Les's gameplan played right into the stregnth of Alabama......Instead of spreading the field out with 3...
A 4 man front????? Are you kidding me.....sure he had a four man front but the other 7 men were never farther back than 7 yards from the line of...
I guess with as many committs as we had early...then it seemed like we were having to HOLD spots for kids like collins, kiel ect......then we do...
Do not put a whole lot of stock in rivals, rivals has their favorite programs they boast on and prop up their players.....and LSU is FAR from one...
WOW.....We all Know this team will be good next year, but looking at it on paper is just freaking amazing the talent and depth comming back, and...
Good it just me but this seems like the biggest Lb'ing core we have had(not size wise, numbers wise) in a long time?
Bhelm you know I have TONS of respecdt for you in the recruiting, and in depth as far as teh program goes have been a great and reliable...
It's not even fair to compare the two.....that does an injustice to sproles for comparing him to least pick somebody productive....and...
D actually did a dedecent job all game till williams starts calling blitzes with under a minute left in the game!! How stupid was that.....yeah...
I sure hope so too!! He can be very productive, and push other recievers to get better.
No just messing with you.......why else would I have asked the question?? Just could not think of their names at the time.
BINGO!!!! thanks
5 turnovers and a freakin blitz with about 1 min left in the game from their own 30 yard saints did not deserve to win that one!
He reminds me alot of.....(forgot the names) the defensive ends we had during the 03 went to dallas and the other I think to patriots.
Lets not kid ourselves......Bama will be enemy #1 and Arkansas will be enemy # 2. The west will be king again.
I would not want Les to leave....but if he could not accept criticism when it is due.....and it was due for this championship game.....then I...
And that's comming from a Bama take that and multiply it times 10 and that's how most true lsu fans feel!!
Personally I would line hime up in the backfield as a wildcat QB, and as a running back swinging out of the backfield for passes and screens,...
I think that would be a win win situation if frank wilson was willing to move to recievers coach, we just cannot afford to loose frank wilson.