Maybe we will see shep in the wild tiger??
LOL.....maybe the question should be " will shep CATCH a pass"?
My biggest concern....the passion and intensity.....where did it go?
Honestly...they have done nothing to KEEP it either, depends on how you look at it. My biggest concern is not seeing that intensity passion and...
None of that crap matters......take care of buisness, undefeated or a one loss SEC champion, and we are still most likely going to be in the...
Yeah Yeah Yeah......there is a word for people like you that define's you to a T......."bandwagon fan" jump on and hate....blahh...
Ok....Miles and Saban are two completely opposite coaches, while both are very succesfull, they are on two different ends of the spectrum, Saban...
I'm a high school official.....I can tell you this guy is a monster......he may shatter all the recieving records in LA before it's all over with,...
If thats true i see alot of max protecting on the left side.
Simply answer the question asked.....everyone knows there's a problem there right now.
Make no mistake about it not bashing Les here.....he is my guy for the job a great coach.
LOL...yeah we wouldn't want towsend to have an advantage there right? I think if we protect mett better his play will be better that's all. The...
I know he plays his young guys that's not the point I was making, i was trying to make the point that he tends to stick with someone sometimes too...
miles said that they "were not necesarilly looking to move Josh D".
Trash??? everyone knows he wouldn't trash his players, I was simply talking about admiting that there was a problem with the line play.
Is it just me or after last nights coaches show, Les really didn't want to acknowledge that there was a problem with the way that Josh D. was...
The Gay-Turds are talking smack once again on their's good for them to be relevant least in their minds.
Really last year there was NO doubt who was #1......#2 came by process of elimination. OK state loosing......and so on.
Because they have dominated every minute of every game that they have been in this year! Who else would you put at the #1 spot? No other team in...
I simply think it comes down to a lack of intensity and focus in the week leading up to the game. When you hear how great you are you tend to...