Now we just need a long at bats to get the jitters out of AR
You can't afford a walk there
90 pitch 1 hitter, not bad alsup, not bad
1 out to go
2 more outs
And Blake Dean just got a homerun so it's 5-0 bottom of the 5th
Tigers win 7-5! And Ott, what a subpar closing job.
1 out left
2 outs left
3 more outs boys
He practically has a nohitter if it wasn't for that 2nd inning
oof, he hit it right to the pitcher easy double play
Ross is looking good from what I have seen
Just 1 more out, you can do it tigers:geaux:
That was an ugly bottom of the inning :(
Yeah the oline can't keep up a hole long enough if you aren't as fast as holliday is, and it showed in the game.
Meteor, field. Need I say more?
If it's Bama yes, Florida no.
And what I hate most about most Negative Nancy's is that they also never have the balls to show up when the team is playing well.
I just hope that it's the cotton bowl since all of the BCS bowls are out. Not only will a big 12 team most likely provide the best matchup, I...