I have to disagree on the Edith Bunker comparison. Edith may have been a ding-bat, but she was a lovable ding-bat. So far I have found no such...
Mike69, after all the religious discussions you and I have had on other threads , because I defended the Catholic Faith you see me as a...
Man this kills me to say this, LOL but I find myself somewhat agreeing with Mike69. to the extent that I don't remember which founding father...
Be sure to vote for him also on the left side of the article!!
Well, have we grown too expect anything less from our low rent, backstabbing, usc sack holding so called SEC brehtren?? THOUGHT NOT!!!
I could be wrong, but I seem to remember reading somewhere that we are being politely invited to leave Saudi Arabia. Sadamn deserved and recieved...
Hopefully, it appears someone has finally pointed out to Tranghese, that he was kissing USUCK's azz too much, and started pulling in the right...
YEAH!!! The really scary part was when they convinced me, that hobgoblins could fly!!! ---------------------------------------------JETS!!
NOOOOO!!! Thats not how LSU runs that play.... And were gonna stay till you do it right!!!!!!
Now that would be, THE, all time best BOOTY CALL, ever!!!!
Hey, if he can't win it, he at least wants to hang out where he can smell it!!!
How many times do we have to get mugged, to get a call our way? This is pathetic. I'll bet my share of the crystal ball, that we haven't had this...
Dude, you were in New Orleans. Do you have any idea how many of those people were once in a lifetime fans. If your that thin skinned, maybe...
I guess it's a good thing OU doesn't know to play zone against us. Maybe they'll surprise Brady with that 2nd 1/2!!!
I hate to call bullsh*t, but are we the only ones, fouling and traveling. Where are these ref's from???
Actually, Kerry told a potential voter, it was none of his business, then wanted to know, who the guy had voted for in the last election. Now...
http://recruiting.theinsiders.com/2/243459.html Hope this works!!
[ url]http://recruiting.theinsiders.com/2/243459.html[/url] Found this on USC's board, was hoping they hadn't heard of him!!
Crummy's good, but maybe, "FLAKY" too, ---- NAH!! My best guess, the way the "villians" slobber all over them, their probably just real------...
Heard on WJBO this morning, LSU and USC will both be at the White House this coming Monday. I believe, they called it National Championship Day....