Speaking of crow to eat, you know I for one seem to enjoy your post and hospitality here, but was really taken aback when I went to an awbarn...
God knows this will be a dangerous question, here goes. Lottery please answer honestly, and I assume you are in BR. When I go to any...
I just tried to follow your link, and found that I am still under the hammer of ban. Anyone know how long such exile's last on that sissy aZZ...
Are we jealous, because thats the thread YOU started??
http://www.sportsline.com/collegefootball/story/7475778 Does being put on probation, for braking your previous probation, make sense to...
OOOHHHH Man, I want contact, I I I Mmeeann contacts!!
Be sure to turn your sound up. Kinda Cool!! http://www.njagyouth.org/liberty.htm
Geeesshh, are you the only person from the state of Alabama with any sense!! If the Auburn fans don't recognize from the above list, just how...
You know I agree about 1% of all fans are classless. That being said, you try to use Skip's letter against us. At least he is trying to solve our...
This AA entitlement has gone on for so long, that students have been promoted to the next grade even though they have not earned it. The cost of...
The WeareSC board is reporting that the NCAA is allowing Mike Williams back if he can maintain 2 B's in summer school! I can't wait to hear the...
Thanks Guys!!
Is it possible to e-mail the Boom2 video? I had to reformat my computer, and am trying to avoid Kazaa if possible. THANKS I sure miss seeing it.
You don't need a permit in Louisiana it keep firearms but you need one to carry concealed firearms legally. __________________ So Bengal B,...
Its too bad god didn't take him already I'm thinking GOD don't want him!
What part of the right to keep and bare arms requires a permit?
you cant justify it by saying "don't say it". Sure you can. The Constitution forbids the Govt. from forming a religion, and then forcing us...
Don't know where you get off with The Great Wizard thing, but if you think those words ever came out of my mouth, you are sadly mistaken. You need...
No, the really scary part is the Dem's have no shortage of CLOWNS!!!!!
Not to start an argument Rick, but I find this an odd request from a non-believer but I am glad to see it. Mike69, can I take it from your...