Thats where your wrong caddy, bragging's not bragging when you can BACK IT UP!!!!
If you get direct tv, won't you lose your cable high speed internet? Something to think about..
Tail Draggers If your tail was dragging all the time, you might be a little slow to come around too!!!!!!
The ticket office told me this morning that they go out this weekend UPS!!! Don't know about the Georgia tickets!!
From reading Proud Tigers comments on the WEN board, I have come to the conclusion, that these formations are WAY to complicated for their...
Yes, I was trying to be cute, but the real point is once there are more HAVE NOTS THAN THERE ARE HAVE'S, ballgames over, democrats win, people...
basically every person should get tax cuts C'mon Martin, you can't cut taxes on people who do not pay ANY taxes!!! We give them enough of...
The sad thing is I think you're right. The media darlings will get their player back. They do seem to be obssesed with us though, they have...
My family had just moved here from Ky. I was 14 and this was my first college football game. I had never heard so much noise, and just assumed it...
Congrats, on your future expectations. Is this your first future Tiger?
Buy Sell Sell
Thats my question, can any college player train with the pro's, and still be eligible for college ball??
The 6-foot-5 receiver had spent a month at a pre-draft camp in Georgia, working on his speed and shaving his weight down some 12 pounds to 227...
Are our players allowed to workout at pro-training camps during the off season, and then come back and play college ball? If not, then there is a...
Come on now, we just fought that war in the Sugar Bowl for Stoopie's right to wear a dress, when and where he wants too.
I'm sure kerry is all for these wonderful changes, before he goes against them.
As seen on another board... Pound those Beavers all day, then hit it hard up the middle!!
Considering we have a very good School of Architecture, surely that shows we are fair and balanced Yes, but as of now, they are only up to...
Hell cajdav, all his responses should be "I know I am but what are you" because thats about all the sense you can make out of them. He avoids...