Is it me wanting Usuck to loose so bad or does the officiating SUCK?:angry:
On the wearesc board, they have sooners , arkansas fans telling them that LSU would have killed em! Too funny!! :lol::lol::lol:...
Just remember the talking heads insinuated we didn't want any part of Usuck. Sh!t, we would have killed them............ :hihi:
Yes, and I still haven't stopped laughing!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: This is supposed to be in response to Ramah's Leinart crosseyed post.
He's a freelance homo er homer out of Los Angles! Nuff said. :thumb:
Naw, that doesn't work for the boyz from troy, they now lay claim to a national title for 1939 with only 1 out of 11 votes. Texas am was...
Thanks Tigerleg, for some reason it would not let me link from the Google site.
Sorry, didn't see this thread and started a new one on Mike. He was just denied re-instatement. Do a google search on Mike for the story.
Mike Williams denied by NCAA Tried to link the source and failed. Google Mike williams for the story.
He called them treasonous to rock and roll, not treasonous to America! :thumb:
Don't let it get to ya, with all the different reality shows coming out of the left coast, its obvious this guy has a "straight eye for the queer...
What bothers me about this is, are we "Last Years National Champions" or " The Defending National Champions"? Seems to me it's awfully hard to...
Guys, Is ESPN Classic, on digital cable??
Seems to me, that since we're the defending National Champions, we're #1 until someone beats us. How bad will it be if USC, OU and LSU go...
Isn't he that transfer student from Poland everyone is talking about??
I believe with the inexperience at QB, we're going to see a lot of teams try to throw blitz packages similar to ours, and try to rattle Randal...
A-beaver, I for one believe, had you guys controlled the turnover situation better against Usuck, that, that game might have had an altogether...
Couldn't you just see the look on their face when they returned, and the little old lady was just standing there, stirring a big ole pot of...
ABeaver, you coming to the game? Sure would be funny to watch you spend all that money just to have to eat your words........ I don't...
Its OK, He's just as big a Prick this week as last!!