I wish that would happen. It would send a big time message, and there wouldn’t be a chorus of "traitors trying to secede."
I’ve purchased a number of weapons (10 - 15) from a local gun shop. All were purchased by the seller sending the gun to a Federal Firearms License...
No. Unfortunately, the ones telling the truth are few and far between. (Actually I think none tell the truth, but trying to be a tad positive)
Kiki, came across this. This one’s for you. [IMG]
I could not agree more. They are so dishonest. The true deplorables!
I’ve never quite been in that bracket, but "income" and I am ass/u/ming Adjusted Gross Income, probably means one is bringing in $600-$700k in....
If it takes you out quick I would be ok with it. I’m just not interested in suffocating, ventilator, intubation and all that. Learned with my dad...
Kiki: I’m sure you accidentally left out the part in your 1031 analysis that this program applies to investors with incomes over $400,000 per...
Uhmmm. I put in 69. I got 69 camaro 69 mustang 69 new cases third is not all that bad!
Once had an 8th grader walk into class and say, "Mr C. Your classroom smells like butt." I said, "Thank you. How do you know what butt smells...
I think it is wrong to say Trump "caved" on wearing a mask. Regardless of the motivation it should be portrayed as a positive. A little...
OK. At this point I surrender. Anyone wanting or needing to be right/win, I decree you are right and won.
Sorry my bad. I ass/u/med you were still up in high country.
This is getting tedious. It does not matter what I think, do, or say. It is 100% certain that a) Trump is PERCEIVED by many as a racist and b)...
Nope, I was in the Navy. We used to have an expression there, "You’ve got to read the Froms and the Tos. Same goes on forum. I was responding to...
Neither. Sorry, thought you were being rhetorical there. Just making the point that Trump is hurting because of his position that there were...
Well, I wasn’t going to get petty, but . . . Kcal: check out your post where you provided the "word for word" transcript. I’ve read over it...
Nowhere did I say you were a racist. My statement was that Trump has four, at least four, main problem areas that while not causing him to lose...
Could be a game changer!
No it wasn’t, but that’s ok.