Schools have 99 problems and cheating ain’t one. As I understand, last spring they went to pass-fail, and nobody could be failed. I expect it’s...
They have about as much in common with the hood rats as Superman has with Godzilla!
OK. Back in the early summer, the district where I used to teach offered something called E Academy (I’m not sure of name, but something like E...
Do any of you think there are people out there that haven’t decided on which presidential candidate they will vote for? In other words, either...
Used to live across the street from a mixed race couple. The lady was from Jamaica. She would be considered an arch racist. Practically every time...
This is why the Dems are absolutely STUPID. Black people make up 13.6% of the US population. I’ll ass/u/me the male - female split is 50 - 50....
CNN headline today about polls show races tightening up. WAPO headline about big Biden lead in latest WAPO poll. Worthless. I believe Harris...
The Dems do gravitate to some idiots. What you say is certainly the conventional wisdom. I don’t get it. If Trump is 1/10 the arch-racist as...
This is the real problem with MSM. I know many believe they tell lies. I disagree, but that is OK. But what the MSM does frequently and...
Amen. You got that right. I have been voting via absentee ballot forever. First in the military, then for the reasons stated above. Plus, it...
Now its the post office. It's a shame that even on this board, where people supposedly share a mutual interest, that every fucking thing is now...
Both WAPO and NYT have extensive editorials today, by their big guns, Ignatius and Friedman, respectively, praising the UAE -Israeli accord. Both...
After staring for a good 5 minutes (while my wife is in a Zoom Bible study in the dining room) I noticed the zippers. Damn.
If I ever get bored enough, and I have done nothing for seven months, and am still not there yet, I will give you a list. Just like detesting...
Low standards. It is telling that Trump supporters have to resort to cartoons. The Trump reality is to ugly to even consider.
That’s great news. I just hope you are permitted to do your thing without "guidance" from up the chain. Good luck.
I’m in NC and very, very little on the local media. Unbelievable.
The NY Times specializes in this. The more screwy the story, the less likely the comments are activated.
If, and that’s a huge if, the technology works, one teacher could teach a bunch of kids online, freeing up more teachers to teach more face to...