Dr Cohen is the NC Dept of Health and Human Services Director. She is on the briefing.with Cooper. But you are right, I’m the idiot!
Calling me an idiot. Ha, ha, ha.
C’mon guys, even Trump can usually get it right in damage control. "Lazy," anything but, I watched the original statement, live. That is the...
Weak, very weak. This is called "the cleanup". This is spin, and not convincing. Watch the original statement, not the spin after his aids...
Boys and Girls, start heating up the popcorn, Trump is bringing back the Coronavirus briefings either this afternoon or tomorrow. In doing so, he...
Of all the crazy shit that is going on, Republicans shitting on Biden for mental competence is the richest. Do you ever listen to the nonsense...
Try watching your own state's CoronaVirus updates. Cohen is begging for Federal Assistance and getting squat.
I understand that some people would not admit to a pollster they supported Trump, when they did, but this is not 2016, unless it is the mirror...
What???? Not aware of states telling Trump to fuck off . . . unless in regard to Trump stating repeatedly that CV-19 was not a problem. Seems...
Since you asked . . . This is a metric the NC DHHS uses as a leading indicator. It % of ER visits with Covid Like Illnesses (CLI). It uses the...
Damn Kiki: Very, very nice place. How in the hell can you live there and be so damn angry? What a beautiful spread, Congratulations!
Try this link to WAPO article. They claim their CV-19 articles are free. This might not qualify....
If I were betting, and I’m not (yet), I’d wager Trump will bail out rather than suffer an azz beating at the polls. I pray he is not counting on...
This article is TWO MONTHS OLD. Not an indictment of CDC but rather of the non-existent coordinated federal response to the Covid-19 Pandemic....
Told my wife that this past week before her most recent hospitalazation.
Agree. My only loaded, standby weapon is a revolver. Keep it simple.
Business is not dealing with children. Most will not be motivated, half their shit won’t work. It goes on and on.
Stacey is exactly right. It will be bedlam, and that is before temperature taking, mask wearing, and social distancing. Disaster.