What wonders has he worked in health care? Asking, seriously.
Let's see, only those that vote for the unchristian coalition candidate get it? The candidates who has so little faith in their own faith that...
Taxes??? That's the right wing proclaiming "only little people pay taxes" and transferring MASSIVE wealth from the middle class to the wealthy...
Yea, if there were about 50 million more of me and I had enslaved fake blondes for 300 years and treated them like dirt for 100 more, and burned...
This was the article she wrote - I don't think it was published - she refused to edit it (NR had been down this road with her before) -...
She was fired from the National REview, the National REview, for racist commentary. On the talk shows, she just can't get around someone's skin...
A lot of latent discrimination exists in the business world - some system needs to be developed to stop it. I saw it a lot when I came out of...
In direct dollars, I don't think a billion dollars Saints investment brings a return. Indirect, yes. Further, it would be best for everyone if...
Good lord man, housing projects are being levelled left and right all over the place. It would have a major economic impact on Canal Street,...
It doesn't make any sense. However, it is essential for the city to keep the saints.
Cute, but mere cover to hide the fact that it is CONSERVATIVES who take from the hard worker - heavens no, not to give to poor people, but to the...
Take a few liberal goals loathed by conservatives (civil rights; individual rights) mixed in with some communist stuff, and then for extra spice...
And George Bush could have taken out sadaam 12 years ago; and if he hadn't financed his military in the first place, there would have been no...
A) was certainly a legitimate reason to go to war. Did Bush ever tied him to 9/11? If B) and C) are legit, then the 1)Saudi should be next as...
on my computer Sah Downloader Webhancer I've just noticed them - I don't seem to be able to connect to the internet if I tell zone alarm...
For goodness sakes, he's praying for 3 members of the supreme court to die That's pretty damn evil to me. MY only difference with these...
than Pat Robertson? What an evil, evil person.
OH for goodness sakes. Christians are victims? How disgusting - how pathetic that a bunch of right wingers will debase and spit on christianity...
Boy, if we could only catch him with a blow-job. Oh, that's right - t Hutchinson, Hyde, Gunkrich, Burton, Chenowith all tell us that blowjobs...
Re: Re: Let's hope you're not an hourly worker... Where do you come up with this stuff? The right wing basically considers the middle class...