What's the alternative - the state legislature running it? Anyway, what's their plan for improvement?
Ah yes, a general lacks character and lied. Let us note the general said he wouldn't vote for him. Two right wing statist hacks say he lied...
Forget whether he was fired or not. I posed this question earlier and you didn't answer it - what, exactly did Jindal accomplish for the Bush...
I posted something about a Jindal ad I didn't like - did you respond? No, you went on and on about vote buying that had nothing to do with my...
Can't argue with that - Ieyoub would be particularly disgusting. That's the person elections policeman tiger educated should have his eye on.
Tiger Educated, yet another right-wing big government statist with an immense double standard. You haven't come close to demostrating any vote...
Well, I saw an inane ad today for Jindal - paraphrasing "haven't liberals done enough to education? Vote Jindal" What's he saying? Foster is...
I reread my post - don't see anything wrong with it. I haven't seen any evidence of vote buying. I DID see evidence of OVERDOING it by the...
Jetstorm, don't worry about it - I'll check his website. Who, what Jindal commercial do you refer?
Sorry, but getting contracts from the government proves nothing, and is a negative in my book, and why conservatives generally applaud the ability...
Oh , I forgot about Ieyoub. He cares about one thing - his wallet. Paying contingency fees for the tobacco settlement was disgraceful and,...
I don't know why so many people miss the obvious re MNF (i.e. ABC). The problem wasn't Miller or Boomer (not that they were particularly good) -...
Thank you Woody Jenkins. Where have we heard that before - only EVERY time non-whites vote in large numbers. ONly problem, Woody, was that Trent...
Something in PR, I think
KC Royals baseball team.
Spoken by the proponents of the christian taliban.
As 90% of all violent crime is committed by males, I suggest interring all males, which will cut the crime rate to miniscule levels. Oh, and the...
How can you say the state isn't business friendly? We sold our soul to the petro-chemical industry, compliments, again, of Edwin. We don't have...
that, of course, is the philosophy of the Bush administration, which continues to give the finger to aggrieved investors and employees. Not only...