There will be 3-5 debates. 10 debates is ridiculous.
you were THE jockey of America. And I will always be thankful for your bountiful ride on Ferdinand (at juicy odds) in the Ky Derby and always...
This kind of posturing happens in every campaign - just wait until the debating issue arises for the presidential campaign - debating is Jindal's...
It should be about $.50 for a song and the royalties to artists should be raised, as a result of the signficantly reduced overhead. I watched...
Well, it wouldn't work for me because my vote in the primary was a strategic vote - i didn't know who I was for, just who I was not for. Now I'll...
You're right, that's damn harsh. He's got a little Vitter in him - he's a tad sanctimonious - I don't know, to me it's like he's never gotten his...
Re: I think you are probably in the majority TE If we extend your theory on the constitution, the C is virtually toothless. Speech means the...
to me jindal, and I may vote for him, is a punk who could use a good ass kicking (sort of like david vitter), - he's an asshole. Blanco has few...
People with some personality can often get a lot more done than policy-wonkers - regardless, if Arnold doesn't fix the budget, they'll throw him...
Glad to see your bipartisanship is showing through - bad labor money, but business buying politicians is good. Anyway, I think your analysis is...
You're still trying to convince us that you're a middle of the road bi partisan? Wailing about the "liberal media" that crucified Clinton for his...
I think Arnold will be a good governor. But I loathe removing elected people from office, short of a criminal offense.
Yea - that was him - he wore those ugly pants We really did think it was Springer until someone in front of us corrected us.
he had less hair than I do, last time I saw him. Congrats to him - he's a good politician and will do a good job. Congrats to the FG - Bryan...
I've never voted for so many republicans in my life - a judge, state representative, insurance commish, agricultural commish (and I know exactly...
tomorrow Barbara Ferguson is running for BESE - she's a fine lady who worked full time as a principal while attending school at night....
That's being going on for years. It's ridiculously political (politics within the jazz fest inner circle).
That would be just lovely No horseracing More corporatizing of the jazz fest I was certain I was sitting next to Jerry Springer at the...