I will probably vote for her because she will do no harm and she isn't controlled by the far, far right wing like Jindal is.
Has your man focused on an issue? All he says is "I'm not a politician - I am an ideas man" yet never puts forth an idea.. As for slinging...
Those are the positions many would be well advised to take - progress could be made that way. Unfortunately, it doesn't interest much of the...
Is that what these complaints are about? come on TE - shall I count the times i've been called a commie on message boards? We can all tone it...
Jetstorm, you're right, it isn't dominated by the right - it was a good board. Interesting analysis, btw I don't like threats, even though...
If Clinton's press secretary were a washington correspondence for NBC news, the right wing in this country would howl like wildcats. True to...
What are you talking about? YOU have made the accusations that I can tell (against a certain state legislator and agricultural commish). I...
no message
First national review - fired for writig racist articles Then David Horowitzi - he's off the all important subject of reparations, so away she...
Re: Foster paying Duke was a GREAT THING FOR LOUISIANA... ll
I don't know - that's why I asked the question. But caps don't solve the real problem. The only way they could work is if you put them so low...
What's the solution to nonsensical judgments like this? Caps? No, that screws legitimate victims and is the essence of wealth distribution,...
Re: John Blake, Ron Dickerson, Ron Cooper, Bobby Williams [