It is indeed a contributor thing.
"Decisively" could have been left out, but all things considered, a very valid argument could be made that the West is now the stronger division.
Mike, beside the youtube video you will see two codes. One says URL and the other says EMBED. Copy and the one that says URL and paste it between...
Yes, the URL in between the the MEDIA's. I edited my last post, check it out.
You just have to type it out ----> [MEDIA.] [/MEDIA.] Without the periods.
Another angle. [MEDIA]
Showing LSU some love... [MEDIA]
It's no secret that the SEC East was the power division for many years and it's also no secret that the disparity, between the East and West, has...
Did the announcer call them selfish or greedy? Thought I remember him calling them greedy, but maybe that was another play.
The more I think about it, the more I think this was either started by a UCLA fan or it's tongue-in-cheek. Can't be real.
I'll chalk it up to a brain fart.:thumb:
The whole idea is comical to say the least, but the best and most ridiculous part of his statements was... Could you imagine... Pete, we've...
Just curious, how did that become DarkHornet's quote?:lol::huh:
I don't think Pete really believes that the Pac 10 is ridiculously hard, but I think he's trying to make us and the media believe that the Pac 10...
Click on link for good laugh...
I turn on ESPN this morning just in time to hear Pete Carroll say, and I quote, "the Pac 10 is ridiculously hard". Yes, he actually said that. Now...
This won't be a very popular sentiment around here, but I still think USC is a top 5 team. The real USC didn't show up tonight and for that I...
Ms Cleo?
Ball Game!