you must have either brain farted or are not a saints fan. i can't believe i didn't add mullen in my original post. espn said that meyer will...
i'm interested in the petrino angle. i think with florida talent, he would be scary. imho texas, USC, and Florida are the best 3 jobs in the...
i dislike immensely both UF and meyer but i don't think there's more to this story other than urban's health. i wish him well.
no seriously.....who? UF likes offensive minded HC's. petrino?? petersen?? do they go after a big dog......caroll, saban?? or a hot OC or...
Re: Saban to Florida not soon enough for me.:grin:
the crawl on espn says he will resign after the bowl.
Re: Saban to Florida I think so. i have to admit when i first heard the news my thought was "dear God, why couldn't it have been saban.??!!"...
yeah this. and UF going after spurrier would be like an NFL team trying to sign joe montana as their QB. dude is way past his prime.
sorry a cyst not a tumor (insert kindergarten cop impression) but espn just shot down that theory
total rumor but i heard he has a tumor in his head has been having headches, migranes, vomiting etc. have no idea if that's vaild.
ok weird coincidence but i've met everyone who's posted so far. i'm afraid i'm going to list someone i've already met. if i do no offense let's...
so 81 then? me and mc need some help in the 80's.
sorry krypto both are taken. 66 is open as in order 66.
that makes me think.....should #20 be retired??
not me, i'm a QB killa!!! :grin:
man, then they are a year too late. oh how fortunate it would have been for the gumps not to see the utah loss.
it's funny, in basketball i HAD to be #21 or #32. baseball i HAD to be #27 (even though i only played like two years of little league anyway)....
lol, it was btwn #10, #13, and #4 (the only #'s in my size at the time) even though i hated the pistons i always liked dumars (i guess cuz he's...
when i was older (teen) and shaq was drafted by the magic i started wearing #32. still liked #21 though. hated #33 b/c of larry bird so when shaq...
cool, pretty sure i figured that one out. incidentally the very next season we were the pistons (disliked them growing up), only had jerseys 1-20,...