i'm gonna admit a few things right now.... 1) in 1985 i was pulling for the bears all year, one of my best friends was from ill. and a huge...
i love berry, maybe not enough to move up that much though. suh, though, i have some kind of mancrush on. i think he can be truly great. we'll see...
totally agree on the garcon TD, don't think that happens on greer (i think he was the one out). addai would've been the MVP had the colts won....
i have faith he'll come up with something else soon.
i didn't know they actually decided that. i'm sure it will be another reason to hate big mkt teams. that's a shame cuz i love the way nfl runs...
i guess i'll have to seek my drama elsewhere.
i want one of those but would worry about my back becoming raw.
i couldn't figure out how to imbed, thanks!!!! this was at lucy's, where we spent most of the day on sunday. apparently i was a couple of days...
was i the only person not too worried when i saw the list of UFA and RFA's?? the core of this team comes back strong next year, what's the cap...
if the colts make the super bowl again in the next few years what do you think the out cry will be from their fans that they wear white??
:shock::shock::shock::shock: :popcorn:
but it pays off for times like this :yelwink2:
never saw it coming. i thought: well you made it 10-6, keep playing D like you did in the 2nd qtr get them to punt and get a score. people talk...
don't sweat the haters, man.
i'm with ya steve on this one. wear your blur jersey and let what happens on the playground take care of itself :hihi:
or a lot of other things.
ahhh i gotcha now. your favorite son is the team without miles in that scenario. :grin:
i remember seeing that in a preseason game i thought it was colston but it might've been moore and honestly i thought it was like 750 yds. my...
Re: Saints Super Bowl Parade-Tuesday thx, just put a call into the wife to dvr it. :thumb: