Leach did and he burned us twice. We underestimated him. It won't happen again.
Almost seems like they are trying to keep us out now, huh? Ole Miss @8???????????
We stole 2 pts from USC. At least somebody took notice.
Not if we play TCU. We could play an entire season, finishing #3, without being noticed.
That's similiar to mine in HS: Bruise-erd Which didn't make much since, since I played CB/WR.
Or better yet Those who can do Those who can't, teach Those who can't teach, analyze (or criticize)
Quick bastard. I'm too drunk to spell offensively and defensively correct the first time.
"Nick Saban will shred them apart, both defensively and offensively." CBS showin' some love.
Well, CBS just said it was a good thing for us that UF won, and they can't be wrong, right?
Maybe if it's not too late, our girls soccer team can schedule a game with them and they can bet 'em.
I think that our speed showed up really well on the old turf in the Sugar Bowl. Haslett has said he didn't think that there was much difference...
Can someone give a recap?
Basically the same question, different poll. Who gives Oklahoma the best game?
"No I'm not high, I always look like this!"
And how about some cheese? Cottage cheese that is. Enjoy!!:D [IMG]
Okay let's see. Even if Bama wins, why the hell wouldn't we? This is OUR board. He's a junior CB who made his debut in the 2001 SECCG as...
Southlink, How is UGA healthwise now?
Very odd indeed.:D