It's all about the Benjamins baby...
I any of this assuming we jump to 2 in the AP?
Yeah, all this pulling for shitty teams makes so thankful that I'm a Tiger.
Mesquite, yes I did, and looking forward to the move. Dallas, it was in Sports Illustrated about a year ago. It was an article on Stanley...
Not many of us here in KC. In a little over a year, I've seen 2 other cars with LSU stickers/license plates etc. Oh August, Dallas...
Thanks. The Beavers have got the Tiger nation behind them today. Good luck.
Great article.
I think if the game this year would've been on Sat., it would have hurt us. The media is buzzing over our ass-whoopin' we put on Ark. because...
:lsug: 21 UGA 14
Mr. Spears might be in Billy's head too...
Re: ARE YOU F**ING KIDDING ME? USC v Va. Tech in Kickoff Classic in 2004 Guess we'll just have to go undefeated.;)
By far the funniest thing I've seen all day.
Murphy's shut down my freshman year. Varsity was always fun on retro night. The Caterie, Sports, and Freds were some others.
If there is anything you are allergic to, eat a lot of it tommorow.
Technically it went down as a 100 yard return because he originally caught the ball on the goal line. I remember Borne anouncing this a little...
Get Kazaa lite to avoid spyware.
I didn't think it was too bad. He gives LSU credit and made it clear that it was just his opinion that USC is better. Compare to Jim Rome, who...
I just happened upon it on Kazaa, so you can find it there. I have no idea who made or what they made it for, but it is pretty cool.
First game: 87 vs. Kentucky Second game: The Earthquake of 88
Has anybody else heard this? It's a techno remix of Pregame/Touchdown.