I grew up behind the dairy (actually behind where Home Depot is now). When did ya' ll own the bar?
Catdaddy, I am being lazy, how big is Hester?
Since most posters have covered the food thing, i will address your swamp needs... Most tours are tourist traps, but there is one right...
Nice post. The only problem I see was: That's the knockout punch (Carey scores) Which Carey are you referring to? Shyrone is sitting...
I believe most military personnel understand the importance of medals Earned with Valor. I also believe most military personnel are going to be...
Wasn’t there a guy running for office (Congress incumbent or newbie) that got booted for putting a “V” on one of his ribbons, when in reality it...
No Crawfish you do not get it. I said you do not "Win" medals, you "Earn" them. No one I know with a Purple Heart wanted to earn that medal....
There in lies some of the problem Crawfish... You don't "WIN" a Purple Heart you EARN it.
I thought Kerry was supposed to be windsurfing in Nantucket, instead he is giving his lame ass speech again. During the opposing political...
I guess you ask a dumb question you get a dumb answer!! Just figured as sophisticated as this sight has been getting there might be a server...
Randall $25 Bowe $17 Broussard $17 Giambellucca $ 1 Total $60 How do we know fo rsure no one else has this...
SA Tiger, Doesn't Stacie do promo work for ESPN. They should be holding some.
I'm in. :usaflagwa :laflagwav :lsug:
I guess the "I'm in" post needs to go somewhere else. Whoops
The Bloom deal makes absolutely no sense to me. Williams i can understand. Can any one make a plausable case why Bloom was not allowed to play?
I did not read the article closely but it apparently is about fantasy picks. And i would agree that MC is not a great fantasy pick this year....
who is 16 on defense?
I guess I will direct this to the Kerry supporters on this board… I am out of the Country right now and do not have a bunch of time to communicate...
This could turn into an explosive topic, quick.
Come on Crawfish, You can't tell me sadam did not offer safe harbor for osama and his officers? You can't tell me that sadam did not try to...