Vincent 354 Doucet 56 Bowe 262 Landry 0 Week 2 672 Week 1 454 total 1,126
Dabbs, I grew up behind the Kleinpeter Dairy. Now it is being paved to be a parking lot for Blue Bayou Water Park. We built a house off Bluff...
Its worth a $1.00 a month to see Tirk's avitar
Now why are you asking people what they think if you are ignoring half of us? Ahhh.. You must just be asking democrats what they think....
Hmmm... Wonder why he is not more condemend by the main stream media.
Ah... Thanks for the help.
Can someone explain to me this reputation thing? I know how to approve or disprove a post but how do I check my own (I have 10 rep points, what...
Gum, No way. That is way to easy:) I will test it and get back to you. SKB :usaflagwa :laflagwav :lsug:
Thanks for the info. Sounds like i might just be better to take an old tower i have and get a good video card installed with an S video outlet....
I quit reading after... "To the Republicans on this board: I will not be answering your questions or responding to your posts... " How bout...
No S video plug. THere is a Yellow, red (mic) and green (audio, i think). 3 USB 2.0 slots and the little metal plug for downloading (maybe...
Thanks What would a digital video out look like on my laptop? It looks like i have a place to plug in an additional cpu monitor, would this be it?
All right, I have a Sony Vaio laptop that is fairly new (paid about $1800 10 months ago, it has a P4 2.8 G). I can download my high 8 video...
Week 2 Pick (ASU) Vincent 24 Doucet 13 Bowe 20 Landry 3 Total 60 Week 1 total 454 :usaflagwa :laflagwav...
Rex, Didn’t you start this thread???????? You start a controversial political thread and then state that you will not participate in a...
Point taken. It is easier for me to watch game film and say you should have done this and you should have done that, versus being under fire....
Randall 127 Bowe 285 Alley 42 Total 454 :usaflagwa :laflagwav :lsug:
Fine, I will give you the fact that he is a 19 year redshirt Freshman that might have been to pumped up to make good throws, or to protect the...
JM aint all that JM performance Saturday night sucked. Chalk it up to being young, playing in the rain, nerves what have you... but the bottom...
San Antonio Tiger I sent you an IM (or something similar on this forum) about possible tickets. Let me know how to get in touch with you...