Starting with NCAA 2005, ALL of EA Sports major titles will be on X-box live. Including Madden, Tiger Woods, Nascar, etc....
Why would they not come to the home of THE defending national champions, who just happen to be playing against a ranked team to open the season....
LOL !!! My outfit can beat up your outfit !!!!! :lol:
Well, I am already an online gaming dork. I have been a member of THIS GROUP for about 18 months now :thumb:
Sorry, but the deal where you have to manage your players feelings is forking stupid. I want to play freaking football. If I want to manage a...
If you build a 12,000 to 15,000 seat stadium, it will be at LEAST half empty for 90% of the games. The only time it will be full is for regional...
I was pretty disappointed with the picture quality. The picture was VERY grainy.
If it is such a slam dunk that the NFL will lose, then why aren't Clarrett and Williams in the draft tommorow ?
He won't play for LSU again. If LSU let's him play and 5 years from now someone produces a contract with his signature on it, LSU will get...
Not 30 days for him to sign. LSU has 30 days from Jan 4. to make him the highest paid coach.
Right now, Flynn is ahead of Russell for one reason. Flynn is smarter than Russell. He already fully understands the offense, and if Mauck...
Seems to work best to upload them to the web and then link them here.
Un fortunately, I can't shake the feeling now that no matter which team wins the sugar bowl, either LSU or OK will be tagged with "but you didn't...
Prelim work will begin on the deck this year. At the end of the 2004 season, the west deck comes down and will be rebuilt for the 2005 season....
I don't like any of those guys. Any one of us could sit there and do what they do.
Don't forget, there are several tailgate groups that have rented out ENTIRE parking lots around the dome to make it worse.
I think that if you're an opposing fan and you come in here and show some class, you'll be treated fine. If you come in here with an attitude...
I think that since they are expecting as many as 100,000 NON ticket holders down there, that parking is going to be an absolute nightmare.
GREATEST AD EVER !!!!!!!!! I mean c'mon BCS. NIKE is even pointing it out. It's not freaking rocket science.
I know someone who works in a local hospital. This person tells me that Mauck definitely has/is developing appendicitis. They are giving him all...