This is correct. :geaux:
Dan, did you ever play the game? At any level beyond your back yard? Didn't think so. Congratulations, though - you just made my ignore list!...
I'm really sorry we didn't win this one, but I don't think you can fault the players for this one. And I'm not blaming the coaches, either. This...
"I like him. He's a funny guy. Kill the other two." Simple. Direct. Decisive. What a leader! :oldskule:
yes, JJ was speared pretty hard on that hit to the chest. Wouldn't be surprised if he has cracked ribs or cracked sternum. I'm still REALLY...
You're right - I thought we'd go 10-2 and we've lost the two I thought we would. BUT: I believe we controlled the first half and I expected to...
I have not heard anything so far about Scott's injury - is he done for the season? Was his collarbone broken? Anyone know anything? :geaux:
Glad someone else spotted it. Hope Les saves that pic for Slive. :geaux:
A grassy knoll. :geaux:
like they do for bowl games. You draw out of a hat to see which crew covers which game. Of course, no one else would want our officials either -...
I think we'll see #7 retired with his name on it someday. He is one of the most dominant players I've ever seen. So glad he's a Tiger! :geaux:
have to agree - he got hosed on that call. :geaux:
yeah - he should show up Monday with a low-lights film reel of the bad and no-calls by the refs. Might as well get his money's worth out of the...
LSU should not be afraid to play ANYBODY ANYWHERE ANY TIME. :geaux:
IF the Tigers can win out and go to the BCSNC game, wouldn't it be cool for the Tigers to beat Texas to win both the College World Series AND the...
Uh - Lou just picked LSU at halftime of the LaTech/Boise State game. :geaux:
"Had he and I but met By some old ancient inn, We should have set us down to wet Right many a nipperkin! But ranged as infantry,...
Yeah, but is it yours? :geaux:
I know how confusing it can be when English is your second language. Hang in THERE and you'll catch on some day. :wave: