Just curious what you had in mind when you said cheating is rampant. Not trying to be a wise ass here, just sincerely wondering what kind of...
Me either - - - and I STILL don't know what a "Nittany Lion" is. :geaux:
People on the Forum are sometimes like drivers... They all slow down to look at a bad wreck, but otherwise, they are too busy speeding along to...
This :geaux:
I don;'t know that I'd say they are better, but I DO like the helmets. They look like the oldies from the 40's. Not that I'm old enough to...
beating the traffic is more important to them than beating Arkansas :geaux:
Google "nike pro combat":geaux:
Yes, it does! :geaux:
Congrats to Coach Porter and many thanks for all the help. He'll always be a Tiger...just a Tiger of a different stripe. :geaux:
I feel better already! :geaux:
That's very succinct and a good solid argument. I couldn't agree more. :milesmic::geaux::milesmic:
Miss State is killing Ole Miss in the 4th qtr... Now, if the Tigers eat some piggies today, we're looking at a very respectable bowl game. I...
Dang! Auburn ALMOST gave me an early Christmas present. Guess I'll have to wait for next week to get it. As much as this hurts to say, GO GATORS!...
Wanted to be first in line at Wal-Mart or Target for black Friday deals? :geaux:
May I recommend a "Fleet Enema"? That'll clean ya out real good! :geaux:
I love the play calls! This is fun! :geaux:
Yeah - in the Chik-fil-A bowl....:geaux:
I understand that everyone, including myself, was really shocked, saddened, p-o'd beyond belief and just generally crapped out after the game...