Books will look a lot better to you if your power goes out. Trust me.
With the Chavis deal last week, I wonder if CLM was asked, "What do you want more? Chavis to stay or Crowton to go?" We all have budgets these...
I read somewhere that he's going to State - committed today or yesterday, I think. :geaux:
I don't think that Les's office gives a rip about what goes on here. And never will. If anyone on his staff comes here, it's for a good laugh...
I agree with you here - it's only my opinion, but what I'm seeing in our QB's since Matt Flynn is this: These guys have INSANE physical skills...
I think you are right about this - he probably would have ended up hurt....and his style doesn't fit the field conditions. You don't take a...
Not directed at you, JS, but just a question: IF CLM is such a moron, as many of you claim, why does he make fat bank while we plug along in our...
I wouldn't want to meet any of our posters in person. Meeting them would only spoil my current impressions and delusions about them. Not to...
I pick #17. I always wore that no matter what sport because I was a big fan of "Dandy Don" Meridith when I was a kid. 17 has always been a lucky...
Who is Florida recruiting? Linky thing: UF Football Not About To Get Any Classier (Update) - Florida Gators - Deadspin :geaux:
I am - and I do - that's really a good one! :milesmic::geaux:
If I was a betting man, I'd be all over that! :geaux:
You are right. He's a fine young man. :geaux:
Don't say that! You're only encouraging him to keep it. That thang gives me the heebee-jeebees! :geaux:
Dang - that was close! :geaux:
Smart enough to get elected. Twice. Ignorance can be fixed. Stupid is F***ing FOREVER.
Had experience trying that, have you? :geaux:
You're about ready to change your name to "Deacon Blue", aren't you? (A little classical reference - if you're too young to remember, PM me and...
That is a really BRILLIANT answer...'cause depending on how I read it, it could still go either way.....Gotta admire that. :wink: Have you...
So do you mean "hack" as in bad journalism, or was the Reveille computer "hacked"? I saw the story this a.m. and was shocked at the allegations!...