we can only wish auburn is seriously dinged up-- we couldnt beat them tonight . i agree we're throwing away half our offensive possessions. even...
i saw 2 and thought rueben randle and then i realized the jersey was mcneese he looks like hes in alot of pain
affirmative action should not be a part of the NCAA athletes i thought mom and dad said the best person gets the job--- ummm JJ aint it right now
21-18 WIsconsin JJ u kill me but coime on people dont boo
will it be JJ? % says yes
i wish we could get gary danielson to come over after he does the cbs game--
wow kentucky--- just another day in the sec
somone please tell the badgers to keep playing agressively-- they are playing not to lose and in the prevent-- OSU is gonna come back ugh! then...
finally running it up the middle netted us something-- way to go ford-- i think thats his first
mcneese doesnt score anything but field goals int he second half--- lets geaux tigers!!!
the evidence is ridiculous and night and day b/w JJ and LEE. someone please present it in simple math terms for LES . i mean one time LEE isnt...
what happened a missed fg say what?
wow-- nebraska lost, badgers beating the crap out of OSU ( yay i hate OSU and evveryone who is on their jock) and holtz continues to slaughter...
come on O lets get a TD here and begin the putaway! this game shouldnt even be a factor after halftime--- we need to rest our starters for next...
we waste our good fakes on the weak teams-- but then again i doubt that works in the sec
atta boy ford!!! lees in everyone looks excited
atta boy nevis defense says EVEN THE DEFENSE CAN SCORE MORE THAN JJ
UFB! 3 and out. teams arent even scared of jj-- its either gonna be a running play or JJ will throw for under 5 yards and has a 90% chance of...
anyone read lee's lips to JJ. went a little liike this--- u can play loose-- i got us the lead, now dont FU*&% it up