For one he hired a damn strong Secratary of Exonomic Development. the biggest project under Blanco was a Wal-mart. Billion dollar projects are...
I would say the exact opposite is true. They felt like he had too much power and got too much of his agenda accomplished and they weren't getting...
I talked to a lot of legislators this session. The House was just flat not going to cooperate with anything the governor proposed. They were...
The increased federal aid comes with tremendous cost to the state. That is an example of the controls in place working. Detecting fraud or...
You are way off base here. He proposed a plan weeks ahead of the session. When the tax swap plan did not garner the support it needed, he backed...
Bama beats someone due to this rule. Book it.
Not a celeb, but an American hero, Willie Louis died. He was the man who testified against the murderers of Emmet Till in 1956. It was the first...
No. All the dicks you suck makes you ghey. The feeling sorry for the turtles makes you a pussy.