Not getting Victor wouldn't be a whiff though. He was a stretch to begin with. Getting him would take some real recruiting prowess. I'm hopeful...
In terms of fashion design, the department head when my wife got her degree was very highly regarded in the industry as both a technical designer...
My wife has a degree in fashion design from the Human Ecology Department. Your daughter better be ready to hang a shingle or move to a major...
Pins and needles.
So Peterson will redshirt are is he out for a few weeks?
I wish I had a place to go shoot some doves.
@KyleK, I have indeed had nutria. It is a very pretty meat. It is like a whiter, cleaner rabbitt meat.
Those are fair points. Which is why I said they will screw up when they are older just like the two preceding retireing generations have. To...
Of course they did all of those bad things. You are romanticizing past generations, but all the things you describe above have been going on since...
All old people say shit like that about people who are younger than them.
This kid is going to die of a hooker and blow overdose.
dixie was brewng good beer on Tulane Ave. until Katrina. The Dixie brewed know is brewed in the mid-west and tastes awful.
Makes to much sense. NCAA will never alow it.
That amounts to a whole mountain of who gives a fuck. Bama has beaten LSU in Brian Dennehy stadium once in the 21st century, and they needed help...
Not this shit again. See Tommy Moffit's tweets on the sign. There wasn't much to it and it was way overblown. The players on the list all...
Yes. Young ad hungry won a lot of games 2011. In 2013 we are wht? Young and hungry. Interesting.
Maybe he has red hair. Every red haired dude I knew was nicknamed red.
This really speaks well to the moderators here. The big LSU message board is heavily moderated, and terrible all at the same time.
That depends on who you talk to. The film lobby said his proposed changes, which were to cap credits on expenditures that had a smaller economic...