By the way. I can't renew my health plan in January per my insurance agent. The high deductible plan that I loved does not qualif as a bronze...
Nobody has supplied a good solution. The consensus is that ACA will cause huge deficits (already projected as 9.3 trillion dollar unfunded...
They will remember who caused it, but filtered through thier particular parties lenses. I am sure you and NC will place this shutdown squrely on...
I was able to open a lemonade stad and didnt have to worry about bull shit regulations.
Already projected at a 9 trillion dollar unfunded liability. Holy shit.
I suppose that varies, depending on your definiton of "works." The Massachusets plan operates at a billion dollar deficit. Switzerland and...
What do you call a black man in space? An astronaut, you racist!!!
Had a wonderful stout this weekend. Founder's Breakfst Stout. It was BY FAR the best stout I have ever tasted and one of the top three beers I...
I thought Mills looke awful on Saturday. The hissy fits Martin and Eugene throw after the big plays are gettingol quick. That defense needs a...
It seems to me when your zone is getting picked apart you should just sen the house and try to create pressure. The one time we really put...
You need to try out a few darks. There are some stouts that you would probably love. My wife is a Mick Ultra drinker but she likes Hitachino...
I usually have these on hand. Pbr tall boys for working on the car Miller high life for mowing the grass Covington strawberry because it is...
One of te things I miss about Atlanta was spendin Friday afternoon's at Sweetwater Brewery tours.
I like everythin from stouts to pale ales, and Lagunitas is the stuff in my kegarator most of the time, but I firmly believe anyone who can't...
I don't think I'd ever actually drop my coverage, but ACA has created a situation where I am better off not having coverage. And like I said a...
The more I think about this the more I want to drop my plans and just pay the fine. I have nice HSA built up so I can self insure everything but...
I would like to think so, but in the right political situation those are two big ole pots of money sitting and waiting to be taxed. One of our...
You know what is goign to be really awesome. They are going to make us pay taxes on all the money we have in our HSA's. I just know that is coming.
Me too. Min went down 2007, 2008, and 2009. It seems highly unlikely that my current plan will even meet the bronze level as it is HDHP, and...
He woke up inside the police station. Does that count? What this dude needed was a urine filld balloon. That would have taken care of...