There are doctors who routinely lie under oath. I have seen it firsthand moe than once. One of the analytics I run for insurance companies is to...
That may be, but I'd be a seat warmer for the league minimum.
Disability fraud is common, and it is known to be common. Setting up processes with preventative internal controls is always more expensive than...
Coon is kind of a pain in the ass to deal with because it is a very oily meat, they have a lot of fat, and they have huge musk glands. If you...
My late grandfather was an Alphonse.
Any good fraud investigator would begin a review of Social Security disability and tell you the analytics don't make any sense. Major red flags....
I use those big snap rat traps to harvest squirrels out my yard. After the first frost any rabbit, coon, or possum that comes in my yard in the...
To that I say... oh ok. LSU 35-Florida 24
Hey boss, I suspect you aren't taking the 6 grand a year hit many young self employed folks like I am taking. ACA has created a situation where I...
They lose no less than 4 by season's end. Florida, UGA, SCAR, and Ole Miss will beat them. Even the Vols have a shot.
I don't eat salmon often, but just like to drizzle it with a garlic butter spread and black pepper and bake it. I have done cedar plank a few...
I got in heavy when Apple was at 389, just above the 52 week low. I don't do many single stocks, but you can't go wrong with a dividend paying...
Yeah. You would think it would be good for him, unless he makes enough money to not get a subsidy. He will be able to get insurance if he can...
Obamacare won't result in the closing of state run hospitals. It will push more people onto the Medicaid rolls ensuring the state is still on...
Building in items like this only adds additional costs to the model. You are giving us examples of why this is bad policy.
That one is only high risk. The valuation will place it price where the initial offering price will make any gain only modest. To the OP are yo...
Yeah that is another thorn in my side. Maternity care isn't expensive. If you do the math you wind up trading dollars. I would much rather sack...
There have been several adjustments to the initial CBO projections. They now project billion dollar additions to the deficit and a 9 trillion...
Red, brah. Don't feed him.
Yeah... based on my understanding the only way the IRS can collect your fine is to offset it against your refund. They can't charge P&I, or...