Outside truly important things... Best day was when poor little me had to drive Jessica Biel around the state showing her different soundstages,...
We are all on the same plan now. What they told me is that becasue my renewal date is in 2014 I have to be on a plan that meets bronze level....
Are you moving from an HDHP to a HMO/PPO model. I just figured out a little bit of a reprieve. My wife, an kids can stay onth HDHP for another year.
Don't you have tenure? If you get in trouble just tell em to fuck off and retire. But nobody here wants to see fatty's melon breasts and pumpkin...
Sounds fat. Pics or it didnt happen.
Drop the strawman. another factor ACA does not address and that democrats refused to even discuss would help with this... Tort reform. Docs...
Yes. It's just the ones commonly cited as drags on American healthcare aren't particularly good measures of the quality of care. When you look...
Many of these meaures are impacted by factors outside of the quality of healthcare, and ren't good metrics. Infant mortality is no measured...
Google search for Sweeden Healthcare wait times. Emergency care must be administered within three days per their law, and historically compliance...
We do pay more, but worse is subjective. There are many reasons we pay more. Demographcs are a large part of this. As is the fact that Europe's...
If catching up means a massive deficit ridden single payer system then I'd rather lag behind. All the highly ranked euro-socialist healthcare...
Oh yeah. And you probably won't know it for three to four years.
Fee should be 200 bucks. Most brokers will sell them for 87 to 90 cents. Just be careful.
All buzz phrases for those who became fans post 2003.
but but but... we lost two games. The season is over. There is nothing to play for. LSU is in a steep and rapid decline and other non-sense....
I am excited about the upcoming season. I am couting down to the opener. I just wish Hornsby was eligible this year, havingone more weapon would...
I saw a black kid in white face today at the Sorority Row trick or treat thing. I was rolling.
I took n anti-biotic when I stepped on a nail a few months ago. That is the only prescription I have filled in ten years.
That is what the exchange is supposed to accomplish. The problem isn't the single vs group rate deal. It is that Barrack and Congress said the...
I have never been able to log into healthcare.gov, so I am basing it on what my agent told me cross checked with the simulator from kff.org. My...