There are still a few Ground Pat'I's around the NO area. I pass the one on David Dr every week. Bud's is in its own special class. Its not up...
For argument's sake, I'll try and paraphrase Whoopi Goldberg. "I've been to Africa. You can just call me a plain ole' American."
I smell a PM to save some of the less fortunate bologna lovers. Long live Beef Balogna!!!
Its not a Louisiana thing as much as it is a New Orleans thing. There are many restaurants/eateries/etc in Baton Rouge that claim to serve...
I don't know about the Reginelli's in Lakeview, but the ones on Magazine and Citrus in Jefferson (across from the Coca Cola bottler) are both open.
Let's hope that if the band moves to the middle of the North endzone, that they are placed at the top, in the existing student section. If...
If you are talking about pre-Katrina Lakeview Harbor, that wasn't all that bad a play. They used to grind the meat in-house, several times a day....
I don't think the question is whether or not he is a good coach. Its about whether or not the "Great" moniker is applicable. And I'm not sure...
I have to agree. Our offense is about as painful to watch as a marathon of home improvement shows. What astonishes me is that it appears that we...
I would be surprised if conditioning is an issue. I think it will be more of getting in sync in the offense, getting a rhythm, etc. He hasn't...
Of course he is denying it. Jimmy Sexton has been in contact with FSU.:hihi:
My only concern for Jimbo taking the FSU OC position, with the promise of getting the HC job when Bowden retires, is WHEN is Bowden going to...
Mandina's is in the old Chalet Brandt on Old Hammond across from La Madeleine off the corner of Old Hammond/Jefferson/Corporate right near the new...
Well, if we are talking NO-style po-boys, Rocco's and Mandina's may be the only two places in BR that can stake a claim to it. There are plenty...
The $95 terrace tickets are for Sugar Bowl season ticket holders. There are also $115 Plaza tickets. The LSU season ticket holders get to pay...
And don't forget that Cleo was photographed stuffing an envelope full of money into his pocket in Fast Eddie's office, but nothing ever came of...
Don't mind the fact that the remaining $90k of the $100k was all in marked bills. But since the money wasn't confiscated legally, it will be...
Translated for the layman, that means that most of the City of New Orleans isn't qualified to vote (or drive). Having grown up in the city and...
Just remember, in the Pancho's eating contest, ice cream does not constitute a food item.
Also, for those who have experienced it, Taco Tico kicks Taco Bell arse all night long. For those not in the know, you can find one on Williams...