Health Care Reform: Tax Hikes on the Way - Kiplinger Take a look at what’s coming down the road, starting with provisions that take effect...
Washington, D.C. - Congressman Ron Paul has continued to run his Congressional office in a frugal manner, and was able to return more than...
Maybe I didn't see this news coverage but it was new news to me.. $8k per person to stop fighting.. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! YouTube - Ron...
1. Ron Paul 2. Mitt Romney 3. Sarah Palin Sure must be a lot of kooks out there. Boy I can't wait until 2012... And go ahead. Try to...
Is this not the strangest comment of the year: Officials said the move was not meant to be a broad tightening of credit. Rather, they said, it...
First off I love jet skis. Second I want a pair so this is a 2 fold thread. If you have any for sale let me know. :) So who's got some. Show...
I'm not exactly sure yet where I stand on this issue but it is quite humorous that now the Republicans are standing up against this. At what...
Senate confirms Bernanke for second term - Stocks & economy- Bunch of morons. Let's increase the money supply by 10 fold! Let's...
Well looks like the NFL thinks they do.. hahaha NFL orders shops to stop selling 'Who Dat' gear | | News
Get ready for OLOL rates to go up. Cost shifting all of these "charity" cases over to those that actually own up to their own bills. BCBSLA...
Had me a little taste last night. MMMM. And decent size to boot! [IMG]
GB actually did something right.. Beck Calls 'Bullcrap' On Palin's Non-Answer About Favorite Founding Father (VIDEO) | TPM LiveWire During...
how-your-income-stacks-up: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance Income Cat.......2007 AGI..........% of all Income......% of taxes paid...
Thought we needed to bring the discussion down a few notches for some here: YouTube - Video Contest Entry #3: Whistle Option
Bernanke is TIME?s 2009 Person of the Year - TODAY People How blind can people be. The FED has done nothing to preserve our dollar and...
I'm wondering what your thoughts on Nullification are? Nullification is a constitutional theory that gives an individual state the right to...
Does anybody actually think this new surge of troops will win this war? Would 100,000 ? What exactly is the point of putting more men and...
I've been noticing more now than lately the word Muslim thrown around as a Derogatory comment. I find it interesting coming from those of a...
Obama: Too much debt could fuel double-dip recession | Markets | Markets News | Reuters "It is important though to recognize if we keep on...