Bernanke: Fed would supply more stimulus if needed - Yahoo! Finance WASHINGTON (AP) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Wednesday...
Getting close: Iowa Republican Presidential Caucus Preference Bachmann 21% Paul 14% Romney 18% Undecided 10%
I've never been to this stadium so I'm a bit unsure where to purchase some seats. Where do you think the best seats are for the cost? And...
WASHINGTON (AFP - Via Activist Post) - Two "top" US senators on Tuesday introduced a bill that would retroactively support America's military role...
First Read - First Thoughts: Declaring success So the Pres. will go on TV, claim success and announce the reduction of the 30k surge troops....
Speaking of FB, in that valuation thread. I noticed this popped up today after some big story yesterday where this was done. DWI Checkpoint@...
Should be good. Latest CNN Polling: Romney + 10% (39% favorable - 29% unfavorable) Ron Paul +8% (34% favorable - 26% unfavorable) Cain +7%...
FAIL! Pathetic. Barack Obama to pledge Egypt aid in speech - Josh Gerstein - Officials said Obama plans to forgive up to...
Here we go again: U.S. sanctions target Syrian president, Iranian commanders - Obama signed the order Wednesday, a move a senior...
U.S. credit rating outlook lowered by S&P - Apr. 18, 2011 But the ratings agency lowered its outlook for America's long-term credit rating to...
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Good job Republicrats!
YouTube - POLICE STATE 2011: 6 year old girl groped then drug tested by TSA Pathetic that any of us put up with this chit.
I came across this today and figured I would share. And even though I have Martin on my Ignore List I will turn it off briefly so I can see him...
Don't let the door hit you on the way out! Glenn Beck to leave Fox News at end of the year when his contract expires - National Blogosphere...
Would you like to see less or more Government services? Or maybe just the same? And if more or the same whom should burden the cost?...
Watch: Home - Former CIA guy in charge of OBL info... What a great foreign policy we have.
Man these ticket prices are high! Oregon Ducks vs LSU Tigers Football [9/3/2011] Tickets at StubHub!
This gave me a good chuckle: Religion and obesity: Study links church and being fat - Chicago Sun-Times Warning: Spending too much time at...
YouTube - Could Obama be Impeached over Libya? Let's ask Biden or "The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally...
Now we bombing Libya. I guess we can still afford it.. Ugh... What a freaking waste.