The business climate is probably the most conducive to Tx success. That and it's corporate diversity. Headquartered in Tx: American Airlines...
The really hilarious thing here is your own inconsistency. You do blame Bush for bailouts and spending, but when Obama continues and expands the...
Fixed it.
Well it's really quite simple. It comes from the guy that can just print it. No guy owns the company? Well the govt can take care of that. It...
I talk football with nearly everyone on this board, since 99% of them have enough common sense to know what to take away from a spring game. But...
Is stating a generally accepted premise a personal attack? Hmmm? :huh:
I don't have to define "plenty". You have a computer, obviously. Try looking up words you don't understand. Strange? Took, me 2.3 seconds to find...
They might grow some brain cells. But we won't hold our breath.
There are plenty of constitutional scholars who believe it is unconstitutional as well, and that the govt has exceeded its reach. The supreme...
Island tipping has been going on for years. The govt has kept it secret until now.
...then tc and westcoast might post something negative. again. :shock:
Race is a determinant in how those districts get cut up. Change a black congressman's district to an all white neighborhood, and watch him lose...
It is a necessary first step but as I understand it, this "opening up of the coastlines" is really just for surveys. In no way does this allow...
He just needs a hug.
Doubt we will ever reduce our warheads below a capability to whup their ass ten times over. Nor will Russia. Building as many as we did had their...
At least now your posts have some validity.
The drill is great. It gets you fired up. It does not build strength and is not ground breaking. It should continue. The fact that there is...
This. If you played football after age 10, you probably did this drill. It is merely an emotional kick, nothing else. About the same as...
Violence should never be advocated. Except after a home loss in the SEC.
They are more accurate at fiscal predictions than the white house or congress, but that's like being the smartest kid on the short bus. Not...