Correct. Only islstl pounds this propaganda. Russell was an honor student here. The fact that he mumbles merely puts him in the same vocal class...
Yeah, it's too bad because he certainly had everything going for him. I have my doubts as to if he can summon the proper motivation after missing...
Why don'y you buy a dog to kick around? Clearly you have issues.
Carrying "papers" is just too fascist for me. Would it help tag illegals? Perhaps, but the unintended consequences to the average American's...
Pure publicity stunt. It's meant to be a visible effort for fans. It's pretty standard in practices starting in JR high. Agreed. But I am more...
Would you really expect something else from a fan of another SEC school? Granted he also panned Tenn, but gave plenty of excuses for them while...
That's the new "storage" app. Second only in popularity to the "hammer" app.
We can? Hurting future prospects? Really? I suppose you can agree with yourself, because it's clear to everyone in the country that this year's...
As I recollect, it was documented that PP had the flu that week. We saw him play every other game without a hitch. Probably not a good example.
I would agree to it if it allowed me to carry concealed in all 50 states. So that's pretty much
Macs are great but they have their limitations. And as to's the gaming side of software that has pushed the development of faster,...
Honestly, having lived to see LSU reach a pinnacle in it's own football history, we have developed some younger fans that don't really know what...
I ate at a Panchos once.:eek:
Learning about Ciron's knees is disturbing and I was very disappointed in his combine performance. But it would certainly go towards explaining...
Sure there is, and it hasn't happened, hasn't even hinted at happening. I enjoy your posts, but this is total crap. Ticket sales are not dropping...
Re: BOLD PREDICTION FOR '10 SEASON Ahh, you are talking state govt., and even those all vary. The SEC is a whole different ball game, as...
I just hope he gives the state of alabama to mexico.
Re: BOLD PREDICTION FOR '10 SEASON You think? I think the problem is with the lack of repercussions, as opposed to what would happen in the...
I think the point of the bill is to force the federal hand. Border states are suffering(and benefiting) from illegals and the feds really doesn't...
That is no different than saying "I have not been hit by a bus....yet." After two years, there is no drop off in ticket sales. If there are any...