What's your point? Lavalais got drafted and failed to make it. Miserably. So since Russell didn't deserve to be #1 anyway, why should he be...
Come on man, don't go reasonable on us. It means that Lavalais is a worthless human and waste of flesh, He should never be allowed back on campus...
So does that mean that North Dallas Forty was a documentary? :shock::shock: And as to the rape charge, I believe he is charged with 3rd degree,...
re: "Russell has too much talent to sit" - resurrected thread (2006) How do you conclude that? Intuition? Flynn didn't? :huh: An argument used...
re: "Russell has too much talent to sit" - resurrected thread (2006) Who is going down in denial? Somebody has asserted that Russell did well at...
Seems to be extremely poor taste, but if they want it, they should get it. I don't believe it will go very far towards the assertions of some...
They would be more useful. I imagine Pamplona would be even more crowded.
Most everyone agrees that the coaching turnover and lack of talent in oakland ensured he would not succeed, but his own personal failure to be...
I thought he had cleaned up. Too bad, 'cause he was truly a pleasure to watch when he played. Of course, he was probably high for most of his...
re: "Russell has too much talent to sit" - resurrected thread (2006) Oh I looked it up. It's damn funny but not much point in posting it now....
re: "Russell has too much talent to sit" - resurrected thread (2006) He did? :huh: 2006 QB rating of 167, 67% completions, over 3000 yards for...
Not as stupid as you believing that is what I meant. But if it makes you feel better go ahead and write a dissertation on the need to type...
Re: Jamarcus Russell LOL, will you predict an asteroid strike when it breaks the stratosphere or wait until it hits the first skyscraper?...
If you watch the video, the reporter states that Marciel's father is Mexican. Having a Portuguese last name does not mean that he is from...
Your point is about as relevant as noticing that you never capitalize. Everyone else knew what I meant, and so did you.
Clearly, but his father is from Mexico which is why I didn't use "spanish".
The sadly hilarious part is one of the boys is sporting a mexican last name. I wonder if the school struck the stars and stripes in favor of the...
That's hilarious coming from a guy touting Charlie Weis. A man who had a close loss to USC and then bullied the alumni into giving him a...
Hot dogs. I feel so patriotic.
He is a domer looking for any reason to rank on Russell because he humiliated his team, coach and QB - all of which have proven to suck anyway. He...