Not sure about a 6 year old, but my two year old is plenty entertained running around the quad and throwing leaves into the fountain. For the past...
Is that tulips under the magnolia?
Here's the recipe the in-lawz sent me. One thing stands out, no butter. Needed: 1 – Pint size jar 1 – Coffee filter Seasonings:...
I'll just be sure to put the burner over one of those massive November ant piles. :D I've got the cooking process down. Just want a tasty bird.
Note to self. Omit turkey recipe suggestion #1. :grin:
:eek: Since I only use it once a year and store it indoors, that seems like overkill. :lol: Or maybe I'll just start injecting everything.
:lol: Seems to be the recipe for success. I just need to get me one of those kick ass professional turkey marinade injectors like mastermind.
That's a nice way to sugar coat it. But reality is that the last time Ole Miss has beaten LSU in any venue was 2001.
I'm going to fry a Turkey this Thanksgiving and would like to hear some of your marination techniques. I don't need to know how to fry it (i.e....
Of course. Nobody was trying to run the guy off. Seemed like he had his mind made up about TF already. Figured he would have known islstl was only...
Good Read Yes.
I thought it was the same old bot.
It's for your own good. You really need to lighten up if you are going to post. Why so serious?
I guess students get bored. Studying is too hard. We've been playing Ole Miss for over a century and all of a sudden in 2008 we need to name the...
Damn 80% of people. That's like 5,281,779,340 people. That's crazy.
Can't have it both ways, pick one.
Thank you go away. This thread is about LSU vs. Troy. Shouldn't you be worrying about getting Croomed again?
Could you imagine a team wearing masks like that today? Oh man.
Here is one thread I found on the subject. The reason you don't see any new threads on it is...