Re: WTF? Pic Thread Why'd you have to post Rex... :hihi:
Even if all that were to come true... 1. Sugar bowl and New Orleans don't like it as much when LSU plays there... not as much money comes into...
oh I don't like either sides ideas. I understand that things would be worse now if nothing was done (because we wouldn't have had the really good...
I agree, but I think most people figured that out when he threw the number out there without any kind of plan and couldn't tell congress what they...
The capital one bowl picks 1st after the BCS. We would have to be 9-3 to have a shot. Considering we probably send 2 teams to the BCS. And...
Not to knock anything but here is my assessment... We win out and go 9-3 or lose to Ole Miss and go 8-4 for the regular season. Either way,...
Because his offense (and lack of elite talent at WR at his high school) when Shep is not visiting LSU on weekends, he usually goes to Austin to...
I don't know... is Joe Biden any better...:hihi:
Saban might have "restored" us but thats about where it ends with his ability. He is very good at rebuilding a program. Nobody really knows if...
Whoa, first amendment there buddy. Each one of us has the write to spout off stupid ideas to who ever we want. Just cause the idea is absurd...
Anyone work for a news station?!:hihi::hihi::hihi: They can spin it for you:wink:
I don't think that was ever an official logo of the school as far as i know. I believe AU and Clemson use it as well, obviously changing the...
red, I don't think they are saying all bad news on republicans is spin. I think they are saying it is covered more and scrutinized more than the...
I don't know who has the largest number, but the most per capita is Asheville North Carolina
I think I heard it best this mornign on W&J who by the way supported McCain soley on the idea that they didn't like Obama. This isn't a betting...
I like the CP pick if he wants to be there again. I think he did a great job before and his mistakes he made were because of the intelligence he...
Yeah, I could see us changing it a bit, I just think that when you haven't been teaching the technique all year, you leave yourself prone to...
yeah, well I'm not the one holding a grudge against the man for how he coached the game.
Depends on how long you are willing to wait to get into the stadium. You want to wait till right about kickoff or a bit later you could find...
I don't think they would change general technique just for one game. I think if the play calls for a cut block then they will. But I just don't...